he's content.
he grew up poverty stricken,
but his health was never beaten.
he grew up without parental guidance,
but he still did it with temporary happiness.
he buried himself in marble games,
spider fights and climbing trees,
but he also buried himself in studying with too many breaks,
from primary to junior college.
he put away his studies for two years,
to enlist and put on his camouflaged gear.
he made it to ocs,
but of course, still penniless,
with two dollars in his bank account.
after ord,
he entered university.
with great ease,
he carried himself through getting a degree.
getting rid of poverty,
he found his homeland,
the Singapore Navy.
he’d already found his happiness by then.
in the form of a lady he loved.
with this new found happiness came adventures,
hugs, and kisses.
soon enough,
he found himself,
blessed with two new additions to the family,
in a span of four years.
he checked,
‘happiness’ and ‘wealth’,
off his list.
he was happy,
his heart was filled.
he was out of poverty,
his worries were diminished.
now came his health.
he tamed his temper,
groomed his smile.
he kept himself fit,
and rid, of illness.
he ran with his daughter,
basketball with his son,
they cycled and rollerbladed,
all together as one.
he was free to own pets,
three dogs and twelve parrot fish?
he loved the dogs dearly,
his fish not so much.
he was free to socialise,
secondary school friends,
junior college classmates,
colleagues, surbordinate or not,
it didn't matter.
he feels content,
with everything he has.
small bumps along the way,
huge milestones every now and then.
he overcomed them all,
with a smile on his face.
he is,
pretty healthy,
slightly wealthy,
very happy,
and quite free.
he knew he was, he is and he will be,
content with all he has, had and will have.
thus all four elements come together as one.
none of them overpowering each other,
balanced out with all pros and cons,
complimenting and compensating,
for what the other can and cannot provide.